Flores actively participates as a member of the following committees:
Beale Military Liaison
Health & Welfare Committee
Redevelopment Oversight Board – Yuba City
Tri-County Juvenile Hall
Greater Sacramento, Economic Development
Yuba City/IRC
YCUSD Liaison Committee
Y-S Regional Leadership Committee/Homelessness
Ag & Public Protection (Alternate)
Audit Committee (Alternate)
Public Works (Alternate)
RCRC (Alternate)
As the Past President and Founder of Cambridge Junior College, a private, accredited institute of higher learning in Yuba City, I know how it feels to sign both sides of a check. I understand the importance of a balanced budget and following through on commitments.
I have been married to my wife Tonya for 30 years and together we are the proud parents of daughter Jessica and son Nate.
I attended the University of San Francisco and Columbia University in New York City, Pre-Med, hold a Bachelor Degree in Computer Information Systems Management and a Masters Degree in Public Administration.
I am the former Chairman of the Board for Sutter North Medical Foundation, California Employer Advisory Council, Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation, Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce, Yuba Sutter Fair Foundation, and have been the Director of Sutter County Workforce Investment Board and the Sutter North Valley Surgical Hospital and am involved in numerous community service organizations and projects.
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